Monday, June 2, 2008

Blutopia III: WE H8 WAL-MART

okay, if you're like us then you have a strong distaste for wal-mart. but we have to admit, that when it's like 4am and you have nowhere else to go, then you may end up in those long lines (like 30 people and only one register open).

hope you can relate.


Dj Joey Joe said...

Wal-Mart ain't nothing but today's K-Mart, did people hate K-Mart back then?

preach said...

glad to see you joey.

Unknown said...

One time I had an Amish family stand in front of me at the Walmart cashier. They were trying to use their debit card (dont ask me why) and had no idea how. Held up the line for about 30 min, and the buff brother right behind me in line was about to kill somebody.

I had never been so scared and felt pressured to not mess up in my life.