Friday, June 6, 2008

Preach interviews DMC (from Run-DMC)

what's up yall? this is preach w/ a quick update for you all. check out my interview w/ dmc on the free-times.

also peep it on

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blutopia IV: Obama and the Black Factor

what's up gang? this is the fourth installment of blutopia touching on a very popular topic. as a person of color, it really bothers me when people make comments about obama "not being black enough," etc. etc. and usually when i hear people talking about this, it's OTHER BLACK PEOPLE!

so dre and i thought it would be cool to have an obama that's insecure about his black vote and trying to tap into the hip-hop culture to claim his blackness.

this is all in fun, and congrats to obama getting the nod. hope ya likes.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Blutopia III: WE H8 WAL-MART

okay, if you're like us then you have a strong distaste for wal-mart. but we have to admit, that when it's like 4am and you have nowhere else to go, then you may end up in those long lines (like 30 people and only one register open).

hope you can relate.

Blutopia #2: "Twenty Fo's"

this is the second installment of 'blutopia' speaking against the whole rims craze. funny thing is, after doing this strip, i actually saw some shit like this. *sigh*

Welcome to Blutopia

what's up yall? this is preach introducing you all to the new blogspot for blutopia. if you don't know, blutopia is the brain child of me (preach) and artist dre.

this is the first strip, called "gangsta grillz." this will be a site that will show our inspiration of music, comics, sex, drugs and whatever else that'll tickle our fancy.

check out our respective myspace pages: preach's myspace and dre's myspace.